• Question: would it be possible in the future to produce oxygen on other planets?

    Asked by anon-181170 on 4 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Claudia Bonfio

      Claudia Bonfio answered on 4 Jun 2018:

      Nice question =)
      Before photosynthesis evolved, Earth’s atmosphere had no free oxygen, which means that photosynthesis would be required on other planets as well to produce oxygen. This means that:
      1- only planets that have Earth-like conditions (in terms of atmosphere, temperature, water presence and so on) could be in theory able to allow for the emergence of life as we know it (and so the emergence of photosynthetic organisms)
      2- “life” on other planets could have come up with different methods to produce oxygen rather than photosynthesis… but this will leave us with another question: if a different life form exist on a different planet, would it require oxygen to survive? Maybe not! Anyway, unluckily we are a bit far from being sure about all of these things!
