• Question: Who was your guys role models? I know it says on some of your biographies, but it will take me more time to do that and my fingers are hurting. :(

    Asked by anon-181141 on 14 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Joanne Sharpe

      Joanne Sharpe answered on 14 Jun 2018:

      The people who initially inspired me to be a scientist were actually scientists on TV! People like Brian Cox, who talked about science and made it really interesting and exciting! They showed me all the awesome stuff that scientists can do. In fact I would love to help make documentaries in the future.

    • Photo: Laura Hemming

      Laura Hemming answered on 14 Jun 2018:

      For me, I think it was some of the people that I read about in my GCSE Psychology text books. I remember reading about a study by Bandura which looked at how children ‘learn’ aggression. I just remember thinking that one day I wanted school children to be reading about an influential study conducted by ‘Hemming et al’ which might give them the same inspiration to make a Psychological discovery

    • Photo: Claire Donald

      Claire Donald answered on 15 Jun 2018:

      Mine is David Attenborough. I loved learning about nature and our world from his programmes and I think that helped me become interested in biology.

    • Photo: Joey Shepherd

      Joey Shepherd answered on 15 Jun 2018:

      For a school project when I was about 9 I learned about Edward Jenner, the inventor of the vaccine – he invented the first vaccine (against smallpox) and is sometimes called ‘the father of Immunology’. He lived from 1749-1823 and discovered so many things about infection and illness that we take for granted now. His work has saved millions of lives – my son is named after him :)!

    • Photo: Lauren Burns

      Lauren Burns answered on 26 Jun 2018:

      In all honesty, I just followed my interests rather than any role-model. However, I now really look up to my supervisors. They are truly inspirational women, who do so much for science and I can only hope that one day I’ll impact the world just as they have.
