• Question: What would your film be about?

    Asked by nope12 to Leo, Daniel on 4 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Leo Beacroft

      Leo Beacroft answered on 4 Jun 2018:

      Hmmm interesting question.

      The area I work in is to do with the spread of infectious diseases, and there’s already a few films in this area. Lots of these are zombie outbreak films where a disease causes people to turn into zombies and they infect other people by biting them. Often in these films the planet gets overrun with zombies. One of the reasons everyone gets infected is because people never recover from being a zombie and so they can go on infecting lots of people.

      The twist in my zombie film is that you’re only a zombie for a week, then you get better and go back to being a normal person. This could be interesting from a disease point of view, maybe it will lead to yearly outbreaks of zombie disease (a bit like how we have outbreaks of cold and flu in winter). Another interesting point in the film is all the awkward tensions it create. How would you feel if you recover from being a zombie and find out you bit your best friend?!

      What would your film be about?

    • Photo: Daniel Rhodes

      Daniel Rhodes answered on 5 Jun 2018:

      This changes on a monthly basis, and is mostly affected by films that I have recently seen. I couldn’t do one about my work, mostly because most of my day is spent typing code into a computer, which I don’t think would make for fun viewing (although it is fun to actually do). I’d probably pick a favourite book of mine to adapt.
