• Question: what would happen if you put one persons genes in another persons genes?

    Asked by anon-181881 on 22 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Donna MacCallum

      Donna MacCallum answered on 22 Jun 2018:

      great question…

      you would need to remove the DNA from the other person when it was still a fertilised egg, then add the other person’s DNA… as the egg divided and became an embryo, then a baby the DNA would be in every egg.

      However, the baby wouldn’t necessarily be the same as the person… it also depends on the environment that the baby grows up in.

      You can clone your pet in japan and korea!

    • Photo: Ashley Akbari

      Ashley Akbari answered on 24 Jun 2018:

      Cloning has been completed in some countries already – Dolly the sheep was an example of this – but currently cloning of humans is currently banned in over 70 countries due to ethical and other reasons

    • Photo: Claire Donald

      Claire Donald answered on 26 Jun 2018:

      Cloning is a very big ethical question at the moment. It is possible to do it but should we?

      If I wanted to clone you (like Dolly the sheep was cloned) I would take the nucleus (containing all your DNA) from one of your cells and place it into an unfertilised egg cell with its nucleus removed. You can stimulate the egg to start dividing to form an embryo which can then be inserted into the womb of an adult female. The embryo would grow and develop naturally and be genetically identical to the animal that donated the nucleus from one of its body cells i.e another you!
