• Question: What rank are you in LOL

    Asked by anon-181165 to Lauren on 1 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Lauren Burns

      Lauren Burns answered on 1 Jun 2018:

      Thank you, this is perhaps the most important question I feel I have been asked. At the moment, I do not play ranked, I tend to just do 5-man with my friends, as the game is toxic enough as it is and with the pressures of the PhD I sometimes find it difficult to play as much as I would like. However, my little 5-man team are getting quite good now we’ve all settled on certain roles (surprise, surprise, I play Support main, sometimes Top depending on the other team’s comp). So, we may do 5-man ranked in the near future. The only issue is we are all so busy, we sometimes only get on together like once a week, which in my mind is not nearly enough time on the rift!
