• Question: what is the most incredible part of the human body?

    Asked by anon-181251 to Alex on 4 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Alex Haragan

      Alex Haragan answered on 4 Jun 2018:

      Well its all pretty amazing, and its funny how people pick which bit to study. I’ve met people who have spent their entire lives studying just a few centimetres of the body, or even just one cell, or even just one part of one cell!
      But in my opinion its the immune system. As you no doubt know, the immune system has a big job protecting the body from infection and fighting it when it happens (everything from the common cold to wide-spread bacterial infection).
      However, it also plays an important job in keeping all your normal cells acting the correct way. It acts as an internal doctor of the human body – if something goes wrong, it can step in and help out. We are only just discovering how it can even detect and kill cancer at early stages – before you even get sick. In fact we are discovering that some people have probably already had cancer – but never find out because the immune system has already killed it all!
      Pretty amazing stuff.
      My research is all about that – helping the immune system to be even better at fighting cancer.
      But its not just when you’re unwell that its working, the immune system works every single second you’re alive – and most of the time it does it so well you don’t even think about it. Pretty amazing!
