• Question: What is the best thing that ever happened to you?

    Asked by anon-181396 on 4 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Donna MacCallum

      Donna MacCallum answered on 4 Jun 2018:

      best thing at work was when my first paper was published with me as a first author… I was so proud to be the main scientist that did the work on a paper that appeared in a real scientific journal… it’s still a real thrill when i publish a paper, especially with my students!

    • Photo: Claudia Bonfio

      Claudia Bonfio answered on 4 Jun 2018:

      I have always been a bit insecure, so the great satisfying feeling I had when I completed my PhD and I realized how much I had done… well, that’s really the best feeling ever!

    • Photo: Camille Parsons

      Camille Parsons answered on 5 Jun 2018:

      At school I was never one of the super clever people, and so never imagined I work be able to complete a PhD and become a doctor. So the best thing that has eve happened to be was completing my PhD. Also being lucky enough to work in a job I really enjoy, so work doesn’t feel like work!

    • Photo: Joey Shepherd

      Joey Shepherd answered on 5 Jun 2018:

      At work, I think getting my PhD, It was really hard work and the day after I passed I was floating on air, it was brilliant. Out of work, having my kids is the best thing!

    • Photo: Ashley Akbari

      Ashley Akbari answered on 5 Jun 2018:

      Not a work related activity, it was definitely when my two children were born.

    • Photo: Helen Cooper

      Helen Cooper answered on 5 Jun 2018:

      When I lived in the rainforest in Ecuador for a month with a local tribe. No phones, no internet, no power, no beds, no toilets! It made me appreciate the natural world and everything in it and also made me realise how much has changed in a relatively short time!

    • Photo: Laura Hemming

      Laura Hemming answered on 6 Jun 2018:

      I think my favourite day of my life so far was graduating from my Undergraduate degree – it’s one of the first times ever that I took a step back and actually just appreciated how much I’d done, and was really proud of myself 🙂

    • Photo: Claire Donald

      Claire Donald answered on 8 Jun 2018:

      Thats a hard question! I would probably say that it was when I did volunteer work in Ghana in Africa. It is a completely different way of life out there. It made me think about how lucky we are in the UK and to stop taking things for granted.

    • Photo: Lauren Burns

      Lauren Burns answered on 8 Jun 2018:

      I volunteer at a local mental health charity, and sometimes someone will come in and just need someone to talk to. When I am able to sit down, chat with them about their concerns, and they leave happier, there is nothing that beats that feeling. I love being able to help people, especially when they feel they have nowhere else to go or no-one to turn to – as they are so genuine in their thanks, and making a small difference to that one person does go a long way.

    • Photo: Hannah Farley

      Hannah Farley answered on 10 Jun 2018:

      Probably becoming a Rainbow as a five year old – I’ve learnt so much during my time in Girlguiding, and have travelled to places like Peru and Rwanda because of it. I definitely wouldn’t be who I am today without all of those experiences.
