• Question: Is there a reason that some foxes have red fur?

    Asked by anon-181168 on 21 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Leo Beacroft

      Leo Beacroft answered on 21 Jun 2018:

      I’m sure it’s due to evolution – some species of fox have evolved red coats, the more confusing / interesting bit is why have they evolved red coats?

      It could be due to camouflage. Arctic foxes have white fur in order to hide in the snow. Maybe the red fur helps foxes to camouflage in red/brown leaves? This might make it easier to sneak up on their prey.

      It might not be camouflage though, some birds have very bright feathers, due to mate preferences. For some species of bird, brighter feather patterns might be more attractive to other birds of the same species and so they find a mate and pass on their genes for bright feathers to their children. Over time this would lead to the evolution of bright feathers. Perhaps the same thing is happening in foxes, red coats are make it easier to attract a mate, so red fur evolves over time.
      Thanks for your question!

    • Photo: Ashley Akbari

      Ashley Akbari answered on 24 Jun 2018:

      Great answer from Leo
