• Question: If you have heard of the “immortal jellyfish” is it real and do you think from studying this one day humans and pets would become immortal. Also in my opinion this would be awful as population would grow too big and we would have to move to other planets etc. And many other complications, what is your opinion?

    Asked by anon-181546 to Jason, Leo on 6 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Jason Chu

      Jason Chu answered on 6 Jun 2018:

      So yes, there is a type of jellyfish which is immortal. It does so be constantly cycling through the life stages. When it is sick or old, it basically reverts back to the “baby” stage.
      It does this by changing its cells into a new type of cell.
      It mainly dies to predators or diseases.

      This definitely opens up the idea of using some of this biological information and applying it to other animals and humans. And it is very popular in studies of aging. However, personally I don’t know what kind of research has been going on in this field.

      But you’re absolutely right.
      We have a major problem with overpopulation and limited resources. We should be dealing with this issue first.
      I think this unique property about these jellyfish is definitely be worth investigating for cell differentation – this can be applied to regenerative medicine, cancer research, cell repair.
      But are far off from needing immortality.
