• Question: How was the first nuclear bomb created.

    Asked by hectorcito2 on 7 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Nathan Clarke

      Nathan Clarke answered on 7 Jun 2018:

      Great question 🙂 The first nuclear weapons were the result of something called ‘The Manhattan Project’. This was a fast-paced, research and development effort that happened during World War II. It was really a massive collaboration between the military and science, where prominent physicists and engineers were brought together to develop nuclear technology (physicists such as Robert Oppenheimer). This results of this project effectively ended World War II after nuclear bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, resulting in horrific devastation. After seeing the power of nuclear explosions during testing, Oppenheimer said: “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds”. This is a quote from the Bhagavad Gita (a Hindu scripture) and the Manhattan Project is a fascinating, terrifying insight into ethics and science.

    • Photo: Ashley Akbari

      Ashley Akbari answered on 7 Jun 2018:

      Nathan has given a great answer to this one.

    • Photo: Alex Haragan

      Alex Haragan answered on 8 Jun 2018:

      Nathan has given a great answer.
      I will add this is a good example of practical science pushing beyond our knowledge.
      Apparently, before they unleashed the first bomb in testing, they were uncertain what the effects would be. Theories included igniting the ozone layer and effectively ending all human life on earth as a result. They went ahead anyway. (happily that didn’t happen!)
      In addition – though the traditional view is the A-bomb ended WW2, there is a view by many that Japan was wanting to surrender anyway – but that certain groups involved with the bomb wanted to see the effects of it in a populated area.
      I make no comment either way – but leave this as a reminder that as scientists, we hold a big role in the responsibility of the appropriate use of the things we discover and work with.
