• Question: How many prisoners would you say, have you prevented from suicidal thoughts or possibly harming themselves?

    Asked by anon-181745 to Laura on 13 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Laura Hemming

      Laura Hemming answered on 13 Jun 2018:

      Hmmm this is a tricky question! In terms of how many people have directly been prevented from suicide / self-harm as a result of talking to us is really difficult to answer. The only data we have on this is anecdotal really – so not that reliable. However, in a more indirect way, I am hopeful that my research could prevent many many people from suicide / self-harm. This is because if we find that there is a relationship between the way people talk about their emotions and suicide, then we can develop an intervention for people who find it hard to talk about their feelings. This can then be offered to anybody who is at risk of attempting suicide / self-harm. So hopefully it can help many people!
