• Question: Do you think that alien species exist, and if you do, if we were to discover one, do you think that we would be more or less advanced than them?

    Asked by anon-181168 on 11 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Lauren Burns

      Lauren Burns answered on 11 Jun 2018:

      I don’t know if aliens exist, but how advanced they are would depend on how soon we see them. If say we saw them tomorrow, they would probably be more advanced than us, because we have not conquered space travel yet, so if they were able to fly safely to us (baring in mind our own tech suggests the nearest planets to us are without aliens (although there may be signs of organisms)), would suggest they have been able to fly pretty far to get to us. Or, if it was wayyy in the future, and we were the ones who have conquered space travel, then we’d possibly be more advanced? But this is all hypothetical atm 🙂

    • Photo: Joanne Sharpe

      Joanne Sharpe answered on 12 Jun 2018:

      It’s an interesting thought! I’m not sure, but I love Lauren’s answer – it makes sense!
