• Question: Could we stop diseases from spreading one day in the future

    Asked by anon-181156 to Leo on 13 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Leo Beacroft

      Leo Beacroft answered on 13 Jun 2018:

      Hi James, predicting the future is hard, but I’m going to guess that yes one day we will cure / prevent all diseases…(maybe). I think it will be at least 50 years from now but it’s really hard to say. If we remember that 50 years ago, 99% of people had never used a computer, it would for them to imagine having the internet and incredible computing power at our finger tips all the time.
      In the same was it’s really hard for us to imagine what technology we will have in the future. Maybe we’ll create vaccines for every disease, maybe we’ll develop nano-robots that will live inside our cells and repair them if we get damaged. Maybe none of these will happen and we’ll always be susceptible to diseases, it’s likely that there will be new infectious diseases that we don’t have now.
      Good question, my prediction is that we’ll probably come close one day. What do you think?
