• Question: are we real or do we live in a game?

    Asked by anon-182547 on 22 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Leo Beacroft

      Leo Beacroft answered on 22 Jun 2018:

      This is an interesting question and I’ll start by saying that I don’t know the answer.
      I was reading a book recently that talked about this. The author was suggesting that if any species anywhere in the universe ever created the technology to make detailed simulated realities, then there would be way more simulated realities than real realities. This would mean that it’s much more likely that we’re living inside a simulation than a “real” world.
      I find that super weird to think that we could be living in a simulation or a game. It’s really hard to get your head around that idea.
      What do you think?

    • Photo: Joanne Sharpe

      Joanne Sharpe answered on 22 Jun 2018:

      This is very interesting, and also mildly terrifying! I am going to say we are real and hope it’s true!

    • Photo: Laura Hemming

      Laura Hemming answered on 24 Jun 2018:

      I hope we live in real life! But if we are all living in the game, I wonder what the goal is to win the game?…

    • Photo: Ashley Akbari

      Ashley Akbari answered on 24 Jun 2018:

      I hope we live in real life, but if it were a game how would we know…

      If it is a game i wonder who would be classed as winning and what the rules would be?

    • Photo: Claire Donald

      Claire Donald answered on 25 Jun 2018:

      If life is a game, does that mean I can blame someone else for all the mistakes that I’ve made?

    • Photo: Lauren Burns

      Lauren Burns answered on 26 Jun 2018:

      That is super freaky Leo! I am cynical, and believe we are real as, at the end of the day, there is no way we will actually know until something matrix-esque happens. Therefore, don’t really see the point other than taking life at it’s face value – as that’s all we’re ever going to get. Also, I like to use computer games to take me away from life – so if it turns out that life IS a computer game, that is pretty messed up!
