• Question: Why Do We Dream?

    Asked by anon-181889 on 18 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Lauren Burns

      Lauren Burns answered on 18 Jun 2018:

      In all honesty, we don’t know! If you’ve heard of the Psychologist Sigmund Freud, he drove the idea that dreams were links to your subconscious. And since Freud, loads of people have tried to work out what exactly their purposes are. However, dreams are really hard to research empirically, we know that dreams mainly occur during REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement), but there is no real evidence that says why we dream. If it is something you are interested in, perhaps you will be able to answer that question in the future! 🙂

    • Photo: Laura Hemming

      Laura Hemming answered on 24 Jun 2018:

      There are lots of different theories about why we dream. Some people think that the content of dreams are important messages which we should listen to, whilst other people think that dreams simply occur as a by-product of neurons firing off while we are sleeping. Check out this video which has a bit more info on some of the theories about why we dream:
