• Question: When do you think the earth is going to become uninhabitable and where is the best planet for humans to move to?

    Asked by anon-181555 on 6 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Alex Haragan

      Alex Haragan answered on 6 Jun 2018:

      Well according to a report I read a little while ago, if we don’t kill ourselves and nothing else bad happens, the sun getting bigger will render earth uninhabitable (for humans at least) in about a billion years.
      Any planet we know of is clearly not suitable for humans. Mars is the best bet but it would need to be transformed beyond recognition for it to be a “good” alternative.
      More likely, assuming humans survive that long, we’ll be looking at planets outside our solar system, hoping to find a “garden world” – or something similar enough to earth we could move there.
      Statistically these worlds exist – but finding them, and getting there, is much more difficult prospect!

    • Photo: Ashley Akbari

      Ashley Akbari answered on 7 Jun 2018:

      Long after our and next 100 generations life times, as long as we do not consume all our resources or even better we come up with some new ones, as well as cohabit with the other countries in the world.

    • Photo: Hannah Farley

      Hannah Farley answered on 10 Jun 2018:

      Okay so I think this is a scary question. If we got our act together as a species then we could keep it habitable until the sun expands and consumes it, which is in billions of years time. And I think we need to keep looking for other planets, Mars is the best option right now but would also get consumed by the sun expanding, so we’d need to go to another solar system.
