• Question: What is your favourite thing about science

    Asked by anon-182437 on 21 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Leo Beacroft

      Leo Beacroft answered on 21 Jun 2018:

      I really like learning new things and working on things that nobody else has done 🙂

    • Photo: Laura Hemming

      Laura Hemming answered on 24 Jun 2018:

      I love making new discoveries that hopefully one day can help somebody in the future 🙂

    • Photo: Ashley Akbari

      Ashley Akbari answered on 24 Jun 2018:

      Always something new to learn and great people to work with

    • Photo: Claire Donald

      Claire Donald answered on 25 Jun 2018:

      This is such a hard question because there are so many things that I like about science. If I had to pick one thing it would probably be that there is always something new to learn! And if you find the right bits of science you enjoy, it is never boring.

    • Photo: Lauren Burns

      Lauren Burns answered on 26 Jun 2018:

      What I love about science is the endless possibilities. You can answer questions that no-one else yet knows the answer to, you can learn so many new things and my favourite part is talking to people about their projects and science in general!
