• Question: •What are the negatives I should know? Who disagrees with your conclusions?

    Asked by anon-182099 to Eóghan on 22 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Eóghan Forde

      Eóghan Forde answered on 22 Jun 2018:

      Hello Mundae05,

      In science, we often report our work to our supervisors or in scientific journals and at conferences. Before this kind of publication, our work is checked and evaluated by other experts in our research field. We call this process ‘peer review’ and it makes sure that reported work can be reproduced and most importantly makes sense. If other scientists agree with or can reproduce your results it provides more evidence to support the conclusions that have been published.

      Scientific findings are only accepted once they have been evaluated critically by other scientists, however, if there are too many negative evaluations then the work may not be published.

      I hope this helps!
